Produse pentru di biotehnologie (25)

Îngrășământ pentru cereale - Algostar

Îngrășământ pentru cereale - Algostar

Algostar is a Biostimulant especially designed for cereals and made with our micronized seaweed cream enriched with amino acids TSL293. Its meticulous in-house formulation ensures 100% solubility and excellent roots and leaves uptake. Algostar contains amino acids, essential minerals and trace-elements.
Produse prelucrate pentru biochimie

Produse prelucrate pentru biochimie

La biochimie est une industrie exigeante qui nécessite des composants de haute précision et de fiabilité. JMTEC se spécialise dans la fabrication de produits usinés pour la biochimie, offrant des solutions qui répondent aux normes les plus élevées de l'industrie. Nos produits sont conçus pour garantir une performance et une durabilité exceptionnelles, même dans les environnements les plus exigeants. En choisissant JMTEC pour vos besoins en biochimie, vous bénéficiez d'une expertise inégalée et d'un engagement envers l'innovation. Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec nos clients pour développer des solutions sur mesure qui répondent à leurs besoins spécifiques. Que vous ayez besoin de composants pour des applications de recherche ou de production, nous avons les compétences et l'expérience nécessaires pour vous fournir des produits de qualité supérieure.
Vana sferică farmaceutică și biotehnologică - Vane și accesorii industriale

Vana sferică farmaceutică și biotehnologică - Vane și accesorii industriale

Les vannes à boisseau sphérique sanitaire sont livrées par milliers depuis des décennies au sein des principales installations de fabrication et de traitement dans les secteurs de la biopharmacie, de la pharmacie, de l'alimentation et des boissons, à travers le monde, et au sein des principales entreprises de ces industries. Nous proposons une large gamme de vannes à boisseau pour répondre aux normes et spécifications ASME BPE, tubes sanitaires européens, FDA et 3A, et toutes sont entièrement testées et certifiées pour les émissions fugitives, la résistance au feu, la PED, l'ATEX et d'autres normes requises obligatoires dans les systèmes sanitaires. Certification 3A Une ligne de produits spécialement conçue et certifiée pour l'industrie alimentaire et des boissons avec le marquage 3A (#3828). Caractéristiques Conceptions standardisées : Série entièrement conforme à l'ASME BPE. Série de vannes certifiées 3A 68-00 #3828. Extrémités de vannes conformes
Fertilizator pentru cartofi - Ascotuber

Fertilizator pentru cartofi - Ascotuber

Ascotuber, rich in nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous is designed to ensure a quick and regular start or to catch-up growth, especially during difficult periods or under adverse climatic conditions. Our product helps potatoes to overcome stressful conditions (cold, drought, lack or excess of water) which penalize settlement and thus, their quality. Ascotuber can be used as a preventive and/or curative treatment and under stressful conditions.
Cremă de alge micronizate - promotor de creștere - TSL29 - îngrășământ EC

Cremă de alge micronizate - promotor de creștere - TSL29 - îngrășământ EC

TSL29 is a micronized seaweed cream. This growth promoter is an active ingredient specifically formulated for crop treatments by foliar, hydroponic and/or seed applications. Extracted from marine brown seaweed, issued from Brittany coasts, through Biochemistry in-house technology, TSL29 contains growth hormones, amino acids, betaines, oligosaccharides and essential trace elements. This product is approved for organic agriculture in compliance with regulation (EC) N°834/2007. MA N° 1200295
Fertilizator EC pentru fructe și legume - Ascoleg

Fertilizator EC pentru fructe și legume - Ascoleg

Ascoleg is a Biostimulant for crop nutrition. It is specifically formulated for fruit trees and vegetable crops. By activating nutrition and flowering, it secures the fruit set and improves fruit size. Ascoleg is approved for organic agriculture in compliance with regulation (EC) N°834/2007.
Îngrășământ pentru citrice - Booster de rădăcini

Îngrășământ pentru citrice - Booster de rădăcini

Rootbooster is a soluble NPK fertilizer for agriculture application made with our seaweed extract, TSL292. Its meticulous in-house formulation ensures 100% solubility and excellent roots and leaves uptake. Rootbooster contains essential minerals and trace-elements. It promotes a strong rooting development, stimulates the plants stress resistance and ensures a better nutrition especially in Phosphorous.
Îngrășământ îmbogățit cu Mangan - Asco Mn

Îngrășământ îmbogățit cu Mangan - Asco Mn

Asco Mn prevents, corrects Manganese deficiencies and stimulates plants growth. Asco Mn is a Biostimulant for agriculture application made with our micronized seaweed extract TSL292 and implemented for the performance of crops which suffer from manganese deficiencies.
Fertilizator pentru culturi oleaginoase - Algo BMo

Fertilizator pentru culturi oleaginoase - Algo BMo

AlgoBMo is a Biostimulant especially formulated for oilseed crops nutrition. Thanks to its unique formula, it supports the absorption of minerals which are necessary for the development of crops.
Îngrășământ CE - Special pentru Fructe și Legume - Ascoleg

Îngrășământ CE - Special pentru Fructe și Legume - Ascoleg

Ascoleg agit comme un Biostimulant de la nutrition de la plante. Sa formule est spécialement adaptée aux arbres fruitiers et aux cultures légumières. En activant la nutrition et la floraison, il sécurise la nouaison et augmente le calibre des fruits. Ce produit est utilisable en Agriculture Biologique conformément au Règlement Européen CE n°834/2007.
Fertilizator NPK pe bază de alge pentru viță de vie - Vitavigne

Fertilizator NPK pe bază de alge pentru viță de vie - Vitavigne

Vitavigne is a fertilizer high in Phosphorous, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese and Molybdenum. It supplies numerous bio-available trace elements in order to guarantee continuous and sustainable growth. It stimulates and regulates plants’ development and improves their resistance ability in times of stress (low temperatures, water deficit...). It also promotes the absorption of soil minerals by crops.
Extract de alge brune fermentate și micronizate - TSL294 - Ingredient activ

Extract de alge brune fermentate și micronizate - TSL294 - Ingredient activ

TSL294 est un principe actif spécifiquement formulé pour le traitement des cultures par application foliaire, hydroponique et/ou application sur les semences. TSL294 contient des hormones de croissance, des bétaïnes, des acides aminés, des oligosaccharides et tous les oligo-éléments essentiels
Extract de alge fermentate - ingredient activ - TSL294 - biostimulant

Extract de alge fermentate - ingredient activ - TSL294 - biostimulant

TSL294 - fermented seaweed extract - active ingredient : Because seaweed undergo strong climate stress due to being alternatively exposed to the sun or bad weather and other times, immersed into seawaters, they developed highest quality and active components. TSL294 supplies numerous bio-available trace elements in order to guarantee continuous and sustainable growth. Its high concentration prevents nutritional and physiological imbalance of fruits and vegetables. TSL294 also promotes their size, their conservation and improves impact and bruising resistance.
Biostimulant pentru măslini - Algolive

Biostimulant pentru măslini - Algolive

Algolive est un Biostimulant à base de crème d’algues micronisées TSL29 et enrichi en Azote, en Phosphore et en Potassium. Algolive est riche en sels minéraux et oligo-éléments d’origine naturelle. Il est absorbé par voie foliaire et racinaire.
Cremă de Alge Brune Micronizate - Stimulator de Creștere - TSL29 - Îngrășământ CE

Cremă de Alge Brune Micronizate - Stimulator de Creștere - TSL29 - Îngrășământ CE

TSL29 es un principio activo especificamente diseñado para el tratamiento de los cultivos por via foliar, hidroponicos y/o aplicacion sobre semillas. TSL29 contiene hormonas de crecimiento, betainas, aminoacidos, oligosacaridos y todos los oligoelementos esenciales. Producto utilizable en agricultura biologica de acuerdo con el reglamento (CE) N°834/2007. Autorización de comercialización N° 1200295
Extract de alge micronizat - promotor de creștere - TSL292 - Îngrășământ EC

Extract de alge micronizat - promotor de creștere - TSL292 - Îngrășământ EC

TSL292 is a micronized seaweed extract. This growth promoter is an active ingredient specifically formulated for crop treatments by foliar, hydroponic and/or seed applications. Extracted from marine brown seaweed, issued from Brittany coasts, through Biochemistry in-house technology, TSL29 contains growth hormones, amino acids, betaines, oligosaccharides and essential trace elements. This product is approved for organic agriculture in compliance with regulation (EC) N°834/2007. MA N° 1200252
Îngrășământ pentru gazon 27-0-0 început - Ascogreen

Îngrășământ pentru gazon 27-0-0 început - Ascogreen

Ascogreen special lawn 27-0-0 start is a liquid fertilizer especially manufactured for lawn. It is made up of micronized seaweed cream TSL29 and enriched with Nitrogen in different forms. It can be used for any types of lawns at any time in the year. In addition to Nitrogen input, it strengthens lawns thanks to rapidly available trace elements and the benefits of seaweeds. At the moment of operation, Ascogreen can be blended with numerous phytosanitary treatments.
Fertilizant EC pentru viță de vie - Boréalg

Fertilizant EC pentru viță de vie - Boréalg

Boréalg stimulates the physiology of the vine and activates its nutrition thanks to the association of our micronized seaweed extract, TSL292, and Boron. Boréalg homogenizes the flowering of the vine by stimulating its metabolism. This product is approved for organic agriculture in compliance with regulation (EC) N°834/2007.
Biostimulant pentru măslini - Algolive

Biostimulant pentru măslini - Algolive

Algolive is a Biostimulant especially made from our micronized algae cream TSL29 and enriched with nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Algolive contains essential minerals and trace elements. This product can be applied directly on the soil but also sprayed on leaves.
Îngrășământ pentru citrice 5-7-6 - Fructicitrus

Îngrășământ pentru citrice 5-7-6 - Fructicitrus

Fructicitrus is a soluble NPK fertilizer for agriculture application made with our seaweed extract, TSL292. Its meticulous in-house formulation ensures 100% solubility and excellent roots and leaves uptake. Fructicitrus contains essential minerals and trace-elements. This product can be applied directly on the soil but also sprayed on leaves.
Extract de alge brune micronizate - Stimulator de creștere - TSL292 - Îngrășământ CE

Extract de alge brune micronizate - Stimulator de creștere - TSL292 - Îngrășământ CE

TSL292 es un principio activo especificamente diseñado para el tratamiento de los cultivos por via foliar, hidroponicos y/o aplicacion sobre semillas. TSL292 contiene hormonas de crecimiento, betainas, aminoacidos, oligosacaridos y todos los oligoelementos esenciales. Producto utilizable en agricultura biologica de acuerdo con el reglamento (CE) N°834/2007. Autorización de comercialización N° 1200252
Extract de Alge Brune Micronizate și Fermentate - TSL294 - Ingredient Activ

Extract de Alge Brune Micronizate și Fermentate - TSL294 - Ingredient Activ

TSL294 es un principio activo especificamente diseñado para el tratamiento de los cultivos por via foliar, hidroponicos y/o aplicacion sobre semillas. TSL294 contiene hormonas de crecimiento, betainas, aminoacidos, oligosacaridos y todos los oligoelementos esenciales. TSL294 actua sobre la fisiologia de las plantas gracias a las propiedades beneficiosas de las algas.
Îngrășământ pentru arbori coniferi - Ascopin

Îngrășământ pentru arbori coniferi - Ascopin

Ascopin is designed to ensure a quick and regular start or to catch-up growth, especially during difficult periods or under adverse climatic conditions. Our product helps coniferous trees to overcome stressful conditions (cold, drought, lack or excess of water) which penalize settlement and thus, their quality. Ascopin can be used as a preventive and/or curative treatment and under stressful conditions.
Fertilizator EC pentru culturi de câmp - Asco AA

Fertilizator EC pentru culturi de câmp - Asco AA

Asco AA is a Biostimulant for agriculture application made with our micronized seaweed cream, TSL29, enriched with amino acids. Its meticulous in-house formulation ensures 100% solubility and excellent roots and leaves uptake. Asco AA contains amino acids, essential minerals and trace-elements. This product can be applied directly on the soil but also sprayed on leaves. This product is approved for organic agriculture in compliance with regulation (EC) N°834/2007.
Fertilizator EC pentru fructe, legume și viță de vie - Algi BZn

Fertilizator EC pentru fructe, legume și viță de vie - Algi BZn

Algi BZn is a fertiliser formulated from a brown seaweed extract, TSL292, enriched in Boron and Zinc. Its meticulous in-house formulation ensures 100% solubility and excellent roots and leaves uptake. Especially designed for fruits, vegetable crops and vine, Algi BZn contains essential minerals and trace-elements. This product can be applied directly on the soil but also sprayed on leaves. This product is approved for organic agriculture in compliance with regulation (EC) N°834/2007.